The project "The Support of Inteligent Innovation in TAXON, s.r.o." is cofinanced by the European Union.
TAXON, s.r.o., Horná Streda 613, 916 24 Horná Streda
Place of realization
Horná Streda 916 24
Project description
The aim of the project is to implement a metal sheet bending machine (such as a panel bender) into the manufacturing process “Automatic bending center”, which is characteristic for its implementation of multistage automation, no more need of operator and the increase of producing capacity. This system involves inside automation of sheet manipulation, automated section shift, repetitive positive and negative bending at one clamping, automatic change of tools and 3D programming from the office through connecting a machine to the central data system of control.
Nonreturnable financial benefit
174 650,- €
The information about operational program Integrated infrastructure 2014 2020 is provided on
Mediation body: